Creative Steps helps adults with diverse abilities integrate into the community. For those able to work, we help them secure a part-time job with supports to ensure success. In between, together with clients who are unable to work, we create opportunities for social engagement and facilitate recreational activities like bowling, hiking, movies and more with friends in the program.
The Creative Steps program was founded in 2010 by a group of parents, each of whom had a son or daughter with a moderate to severe developmental disability. After years of being in a structured school setting, and few good post high-school organizations available, the next best step wasn’t clear. There was a very real possibility their young adult child would sit at home, isolated, with no chance to continue to learn, grow, get a job, make friends, or otherwise lead a rich and fulfilling life.
That’s why our founders created Creative Steps, an adult day program for persons with moderate to severe disabilities. It has evolved to become a supportive “village” for both individuals with disabilities, and their families, providing local community engagement, a destination for hanging out with friends, working on living skills and participating in activities that are meaningful, engaging and promote lifelong learning.
Our program is supported with state funding received by our clients, institutional grants, and private donations. With these supports, we are able to offer our clients and their families a safe, enriching program where everyone thrives.